Public dashboards: 439 Total holders: 37,265,610 Total transactions: 2,950,326,153 PancakeSwap icon VLK price: $0 0.35% Vulkania is on Binance Smart Chain logo
Public dashboards: 439 Total holders: 37,265,610 Total transactions: 2,950,326,153 PancakeSwap icon VLK price: $0 0.35% Vulkania is on Binance Smart Chain logo


Vulkania coin

What is VLK?

$0 0.35%
40,000,000 VLK

VLK Use Cases

Vulkania reflect token
VLK is designed to reward holders. Every single transaction made will result in a 6% fee: 1% is burned and 5% are instantly split among all holders. Fees are awarded by the smart contract and are immediately available in the holders balance.
Vulkania progressive burn
20% (8,000,000 VLK) of max supply correspond to a reserve for additional burns. Every quarter, 50% of total burned fees accumulated during the quarter will be burned to increase the rarity of the VLK token.
Vulkania listings
For a project to get listed on Vulkania, it requires a payment in VLK. 20% of this amount is then burned to increase scarcity of VLK.
Vulkania advertising
Once thousands of daily visitors start using, we plan to build a system which allows advertisers to pay for ads on dashboards. Payments will be made with crypto and a % of those revenues will be burned.
Vulkania premium feaatures
A premium plan allows users who have connected their wallet to to unlock some premium features, depending of the amount of VLK they hold.
Vulkania API
Once we consider enough dashboards are listed on, we will open an API for people who want to access dashboard data (holders, transactions, price and more). API usage will require a VLK payment.